Saturday, July 10, 2021

Went Premium

I'll try not to write an advertorial article. 

Recently, I've been spending time on Youtube more than on Netflix for feeding my curious empty mind. As I mentioned in the previous post, my Youtube recent history is mostly about art and history. Often I fall asleep to a two-part video about The Garden of Earthly Delights. More often I get annoyed by the advertisements that pop up in the midst of the most interesting bit of the video. So, I wondered if it would be worth it to upgrade to a premium subscription. My friend once shared the benefits of being a premium member but at the time I didn't consider it useful -until two days ago. After barely a minute of reading the shortlist of premium benefits, I reached my wallet and took out my credit card to fill in my information, full of excitement. 

And, now I can't remember how many videos I have watched since I became a premium member. It did make a huge difference. As my mind keeps expecting watching a skip-worthy ad right before the video starts, it's just never there anymore. The experience has been satisfying. 

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